
Career orientation

A pile of coloured sheets with arrows pointing in different directions

The STEM sector is already experiencing a shortage of young talent. However, STEM careers are not only highly diverse and offer great career prospects but are also important for technical and scientific progress in society.
Teachers have an important role to play in stimulating interest in STEM careers among children and young people. We believe that topics related to sustainability and future technologies are particularly well suited for this purpose and should be integrated into STEM lessons. On this page you will find our career guidance materials to support teachers and provide career orientation for students.

STEM Jobs for the Future

  • Many students struggle to see the real-world value of STEM skills and how they connect to future careers in sustainability, AI, big data, and beyond. This is where our "STEM Jobs for the Future" project, organised by Science on Stage Germany, makes a difference! Teachers will collaborate to develop innovative digital teaching materials that integrate career orientation directly into STEM education. STEM teachers can apply for participation until 30 April 2025.

Apply for the project

Career orientation in the field of AI

  • Students hear about artificial intelligence everywhere, but what do you need it for in your professional life? Which BA and MA courses teach AI expertise, and what other (professional) paths can you take to use or specialise in AI?

    To give students an insight into the professional world of AI, our career orientation resources collection provides various materials that can be used in the classroom or shared with students as a source of information and inspiration.

To the resources "AI – career orientation"

Career orientation in primary school

  • Role models can help inspire students to pursue careers in STEM subjects. The teaching material "Lantern Moon and Hot Ears" introduces primary school students to a variety of biographies and professions of scientists. The material also offers many tasks to develop students' language skills. 

Explore the teaching material "Lantern Moon and Hot Ears"

What are students most interested in?

  • Following a brainstorming session on integrated career orientation in STEM classes at the European Science on Stage festival in Turku in August 2024, we developed a questionnaire for secondary school students to find out about their interests, motivation and main concerns with regards to career choices and career guidance. A vast majority of the 207 respondents from different Science on Stage member countries confirmed the high relevance of the topic and a pronounced interest for practical insights into STEM careers via videos, escape games, and experiments.

Read about the survey results
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