History of Science on Stage Europe

1999-2000: Initiation
Science on Stage evolved out of Physics on Stage, which was initiated in 1999. Representatives of CERN, ESA and ESO Outreach Departments responded with Physics on Stage to the European Commission's Call for Proposals for the European Science and Technology Week 2000.
2001-2003: Continuation
ESA (European Space Agency) organised and funded Physics on Stage 2 festival in 2002 with support from CERN, ESRF, EMBL, EFDA and ESO. Along with the EIROforum and with funding of the European Commission, Physics on Stage 3 was organised in 2003.
2004-2008: Physics on Stage becomes Science on Stage
In 2004, Science on Stage was established. It followed the model of Physics on Stage with national activities leading to international festivals. The main difference was that from now on teachers of all-natural sciences could take part.
The first Science on Stage festival took place at CERN, Geneva, in November 2005. The second took place in April 2007 at ESRF/ILL in Grenoble. After funding of the European Commission ended in 2008, Science on Stage Germany as National Steering Committee (NSC) continued the series with the Science on Stage festival 2008 in Berlin. It was mainly supported by think ING., an initiative of the Federation of German Employers' Associations in the Metal and Electrical Engineering Industries. Up to this, it was the largest science education initiative ever undertaken in Europe and, in fact, unique in the world.
2009-2011: Re-organisation of Science on Stage Europe
In 2009, Science on Stage Europe was re-organised as a bottom-up initiative out of the 27 National Steering Committees (NSCs) with alternative funding. After the Science on Stage festival 2008 in Berlin, the festival took place in Copenhagen in 2011, supported by the Danish Ministry of Education.
2011: Foundation of Science on Stage Europe
In November 2011, the representatives of the participating countries founded the non-profit association Science on Stage Europe, recognised by German law with headquarters in Berlin.
2012-today: Science on Stage festivals
The tradition of organising the Science on Stage festivals via National Steering Committees was carried on. The 14th European Science on Stage festival will take place from 28-31 May 2025 in Klaipėda, Lithuania. In the past, the festival took place in various European Citys: Turku, Finland (2024), Prague, Czech Republic (2022), Cascais, Portugal (2019), Debrecen, Hungary (2017), London (2015), Słubice, Poland/Frankfurt an der Oder, Germany (2013).