
National Events

Each country is represented by its STEM teacher delegation at the European Science on Stage festival. Therefore each National Steering Committee organises its national pre-selection the year before the festival.

Nationale selection event Georgia 2023

Each country organises their national pre-selection in another way – some events last for days, some only one, some events include students in on-stage presentations, some include actual research and some are open only for teachers, and some are held virtually or through a written application.

A national jury selects the STEM teachers with the most innovative projects to be a part of their delegations.

Though all the national pre-selections are quite unique and have a competitive character they have one thing in common: They are a great way to meet enthusiastic teachers from your country and to exchange ideas and activities!

Are you interested in participating? Just contact your National Steering Committee! Find your country here


16 November 2024: The National Science on Stage Festival in Belgium

01 March - 31 October 2025: Written selection procedure Science on Stage Finland

21 March - 25 October 2025: Travelling Science on Stage Festival Ukraine

  • 21 - 22 March 2025: Poltava
  • 16 May 2025: Kyiv
  • 31 May 2025: Lviv
  • 12 - 13 September 2025: Zhytomyr
  • 24 - 25 October 2025: Kharkiv

08 April 2025: The National Science on Stage Festival in Sweden

13 September 2025: The National Science on Stage Festival in Serbia 

19 - 20 September 2025: The National Science on Stage Festival in Poland

25 - 27 September 2025: National Science on Stage Iceland Event (LÆRT)

26 - 28.September 2025: The National Science on Stage Festival in Germany 

26 - 28 September 2025: The National Science on Stage Festival in Italy (Rovereto)

04 October 2025: The National Science on Stage Festival in Türkiye

11 October 2025: The National Science on Stage Festival in Czechia

16 - 18 October 2025: The National Science on Stage Festival in Iceland

6 - 7 November 2025: The National Science o Stage Festival in Greece

08 - 09 November 2025: The National Science on Stage Festival in Portugal

15 November 2025: The National Science on Stage Festival in Switzerland


24.06.2023: The National Science on Stage Festival in Georgia 

04.08. - 06.08.2023: The National Science on Stage Festival in Canada 

09.09.2023: The National Science on Stage Festival in Kazakhstan

09.09.2023: The National Science on Stage Festival in Latvia 

20.09. - 21.09.2023: The National Science on Stage Festival in Slovenia

22.09. - 24.09.2023: The National Science on Stage Festival in Italy 

22.09. - 23.09.2023: The National Science on Stage Festival in Poland 

23.09.2023: The National Science on Stage Festival in Serbia 

29.09. - 30.09.2023: The National Science on Stage Festival in Romania 

29.09. - 01.10.2023: The National Science on Stage Festival in Germany

04.10.2023: The National Science on Stage Festival in France 

04.10.2023: Selection event of Science on Stage Netherlands

07.10.2023: The National Science on Stage Festival in Türkiye

20.10. -22.10.2023: The National Science on Stage Festival in Bulgaria

21.10.2023: The National Science on Stage Festival in Czechia

27.-28.10.2023: The National Science on Stage Festival in Ukraine 

27.-29.10.2023 The National Science on Stage Festival in Spain

03.11. - 04.11.2023: The National Science on Stage Festival in Greece

04.11.2023: The National Science on Stage Festival in Albania 

04.11. - 05.11.2023: The National Science on Stage Festival in Portugal 

11.11.2023: The National Science on Stage Festival in Croatia 

18.11.2023: The National Science on Stage Festival in Switzerland 

18.11.2023: The National Science on Stage Festival in Belgium 

18.11.2023: The National Science on Stage Festival in North Macedonia 

09.12.2023: The National Science on Stage Festival in Cyprus 

15.12.2023: The National Science on Stage Festival in Lithuania


Written procedure 

The following countries have an online-only selection process to find their delegates for the European festival: 

UK: The application deadline is the 15th of July

Norway: The application deadline is the 1st of September

Ireland: The application deadline is the 30th of September

Denmark: The application deadline is the 23rd of October. 

Finland: The application deadline is the 30th of October

Sweden: The application deadline is the 5th of November

Slovakia: The online event takes place on the 9th of November 

Netherlands: The application deadline is on the 30th of November

Despite the pandemic, our member countries were able to organise great National Events to select their delegation for the European Science on Stage festival 2022. 

Switzerland, 13 November 2021

Portugal, 06-07 November 2021

Belgium, 23 October 2021

Germany, 08-10 October 2021

Lithuania, 30 September 2021

Spain, 29 - 30 September, and 01 - 03 October 2021

The Netherlands, 28 September 2021

Turkey, 25-26 September 2021

Cyprus, 25 September 

Czech Republic, 21-23 September 2021

Romania, 20 September 2021

Serbia, 18 September 2021

Hungary, 17-18 September 2021

Poland, 17-18 September 2021

France, 15 September 2021

Greece, 03-04 September 2021

Slovakia, 07 July 2021

Bulgaria, 25-27 June 2021

Georgia, 19 June 2021

Canada, 28-30 May 2021

Ireland, 21 April - 17 September 2021

Italy, 16-18 April 2021 and 10-12 September 2021

Albania, 03 April 2021 

Ukraine, 24 March - 26 March 2021

Kazakhstan, 15 - 31 March 2021

Slovenia, 01 March - 30 April 2021

Sweden, 15 January - 01 October 2021

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