History of Science on Stage festivals
Since 2000, eleven festivals have been held in various places in Europe. Starting with 'Physics on Stage', it was soon clear that all sciences should benefit from the exchange among teachers. Meanwhile, the Science on Stage festivals are Europe's biggest STEM teaching events.

The European festival ‘Physics on Stage’ was held for the first time in 2000. The target group were physics teachers who came together at the European Organisation for Nuclear Research (CERN) in Geneva. The event was organised by CERN, ESA and ESO.
From 2005 onwards, the initiative was continued under the name of ‘Science on Stage’. From now on, all-natural sciences were included. The organisational responsibility was laid into the hands of the seven research institutes on EU level that have formed the EIROforum.
In 2007 it was decided to carry on the initiative by all member states. The continuation was enabled by the funding of the employers’ association Gesamtmetall and its initiative think ING. Since then, nationally organised Science on Stage festivals took place every two years.
Overview of the past Science on Stage festivals
Science on Stage festival 2024
The 13th European Science on Stage festival took place from 12-15 August 2024 in Turku, Finland.
Science on Stage festival 2022
The 12th European Science on Stage festival took place from 24-27 March 2022 in Prague, Czech Republic.
Watch the official video here:
Science on Stage festival 2019
The 11th European Science on Stage festival took place from 31 October to 3 November 2019 in Cascais, Portugal, at the Estoril Congress Center. At the largest European educational fair for STEM teachers around 450 primary and secondary school teachers from over 30 countries came together to exchange best practice teaching concepts. They presented their most innovative ideas from teachers for teachers in a fair, in workshops, and in performances. The festival was under the patronage of Mr Tibor Navracsics, Member of the European Commission, and is endorsed by the Portuguese Ministry of Education.
Watch the official video:
Science on Stage festival 2017
'Inventing the Future of Science Education' was the motto of the Science on Stage festival 2017. The largest European educational fair for STEM teachers took place from 29 June – 2 July 2017 in the Kölcsey Convention Centre in Debrecen, Hungary. At the festival around 450 primary teachers and STEM teachers from 30 countries came together to exchange innovative teaching concepts. They presented their most innovative ideas from teachers for teachers in a fair, in workshops, and performances.
Watch the official video:
Science on Stage festival 2015
Science on Stage went Britannia: From 17-20 June 2015, 350 primary and secondary school teachers from all over Europe and Canada were buzzing around over four days in London. Under the motto “Illuminating Science Education” teachers enthused each other and shared experiments and teaching ideas for science, technology and mathematics education at stands, in a workshop and on stage.
Watch the official video:
Science on Stage festival 2013
For the first time, the two countries organised the festival together. It was held right on the German-Polish border in Slubice/Frankfurt (Oder) from 25-28 April under the motto 'Crossing Borders in Science Teaching'.
Watch the official video:
Science on Stage festival 2011
Under the motto 'Winning hearts and minds', the festival took place from 16-19 April in Copenhagen, Denmark. 250 teachers from 27 countries came together at the festival.
Science on Stage festival 2008
The first festival organised by a country and its National Steering Committees took place from 23-26 October at the Urania in Berlin.
Science on Stage festival 2007
The second Science on Stage festival took place in April 2007 at ESRF/ILL in Grenoble.
Science on Stage festival 2005
The first Science on Stage festival, now involving all science disciplines, took place at CERN, Geneva, in November 2005.
Physics on Stage 2003
The third festival for physics teachers took place in Noordwijk, the Netherlands. It was funded by the European Commission.
Physics on Stage 2002
In Grenoble, physics teachers from all over Europe came together for the second time. The event was organised and funded by ESA (European Space Academy)
Physics on Stage 2000
Physics on Stage was born out the European Commission's Call for Proposals for the European Science and Technology Week 2000. The event was held in Geneva.