How Science on Stage works
Science on Stage Europe is a network for STEM teachers focusing on the exchange of best practice teaching ideas. The ultimate goal is to improve STEM teaching by supporting educators in their professional development and growth.
By spreading innovative teaching concepts among Europe’s science teachers we enable more students to gain the skills they need for a challenging future and encourage them to consider a career in science, ICT or engineering.
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Since its launch in 2000, Science on Stage reaches about 100,000 teachers and teacher trainers in over 30 countries (extrapolation by country representatives in 2019). A network of National Steering Committees in these countries provides the interface to their national STEM teacher communities.
Science on Stage Europe is the umbrella organisation that supports the 35 member countries with the realisation of their activities and helps with coordination of the national festivals. The broadening of the network, the acquisition of new members and various administrative tasks are carried out by the headquarters in Berlin.
Since 2011, Science on Stage Europe e.V. is a registered non-profit association recognised by German law.
>> Factsheet about Science on Stage Europe
>> Download Science on Stage Europe association statue [PDF]
Aims of Science on Stage Europe
To improve the quality of teaching in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) by...
- ...enabling science teachers to exchange teaching concepts and experience
- ...inspiring and enthusing science teachers
- ...informing teachers about wider scientific research
- Science on Stage festivals
- Travel scholarships for teachers
- Teacher training
- Online events
- Frequent meetings with representatives of all countries
Find an overview of all our activities here.
How Science on Stage works
We work directly at the base. To be part of our activities, teachers do not have to go through a complicated application procedure.
To participate in workshops, a simple e-mail is usually enough. Our teaching materials are also free of charge and available in several languages. In this way, we are able to reach teachers all over Europe.
This unique platform for science education has a sustainable impact, as shown by several evaluation studies.
- 90*% of participating teachers have incorporated ideas that were presented at Science on Stage events into their own lessons.
- 90% of participating teachers have incorporated ideas, they had acquired through Science on Stage events into teacher training in their home countries and thus functioned as multipliers.
- 92% of the paticipants established international contacts; over 55% of them made at least 4 good contacts 1 year after the festival.
- 77% of the participants rate the sustainability effect of the festival as high; 73% of them stated to apply also for the next festival.
>> For further information see evaluation reports
We pay attention to sustainable working in our office.
- We save energy: When we leave the office, we make sure that the lights are off, the heating is down and no electrical appliances are in stand-by mode.
- We avoid garbage: We abandoned printed folders and documents at events, we do not use plastic tableware and only use glass bottles at meetings.
- We take care of the environment: We avoid meat in catering at office meetings, travel in a climate-friendly manner and print our brochures on certified environmental paper.
Contact us

Chair of Science on Stage Europe
Stefanie Schlunk