Teacher Exchange and Joint Projects
Have you seen a project at the festival you especially like? Do you want to continue the exchange with an international colleague you met at the festival?
School teachers from different countries who met each other at the European Science on Stage festival or on another conference/workshop (at least one of them must have attended the festival as delegate) can apply for a travel scholarship to deepen the exchange or develop a new STEM project together.
Science on Stage Europe provides a subsidy of up to €400 for travel costs.
The aim of this exchange is to develop a new STEM project together which can be handed in as a 'Joint Project' for the upcoming Science on Stage festival.
Please find all details below.

How to apply
- Fill in the application form in time and send it to info@science-on-stage.eu. Please note: Your chosen deadline needs to be at least one month before your travel date!
- The Executive Board will decide about your travel scholarship within a month after the deadline. In case of acceptance:
- Teacher exchange will take place (in the school of one of the teachers)
- Send short report, photos, results, and tickets (original) to the Science on Stage Europe office
- Science on Stage Europe refunds travel costs (max. 400€)
Before you apply we kindly ask you to please read the regulations and criteria for travel scholarships.
>> Download the application form 'Travel Scholarship / Teacher Exchange'
>> Download regulations and criteria for travel scholarships
Travel scholarship applications can be handed in four times a year:
Deadline 1: 15 March
Deadline 2: 15 June
Deadline 3: 15 September
Deadline 4: 15 December
Joint projects
You are a former Science on Stage festival participant and developed a project with a teacher from another country? You want to share it with us at the next European Science on Stage festival? Then apply with your 'joint project'!
Besides the regular national STEM teacher delegations, there are several additional places at the European Science on Stage festivals for teachers offering internationally developed projects - the so-called 'joint projects'.
The festival committee decides upon your application and your participation in the event. The project should be:
- from teachers from two different countries that decided to develop a project together and of whom at least one participated at a European Science on Stage festival
- developing over time, which means the progress of creating the project over time should be visible in the application
Deadline for the application of Joint Projects for the European Science on Stage festival 2026: 14 September 2025.