Marco Nicolini

Marco Nicolini has been teaching Math and Physics at the Liceo Scientifico Statale “A.Tassoni”, in the Italian City Modena for almost 30 years. Furthermore, he gives lecture at the Planetarium in Modena.
What does being a teacher mean to you?
Being a teacher means to me mainly having the opportunity to transfer your know-how, abilities, and interests to students and boosting their talents.
What does Science on Stage mean to - in 3 words?
Science on Stage is: Teachers’ work kingdom!
Why should teachers participate in Science on Stage?
They get the big opportunity to exchange experiences and ideas, with colleagues from all over Europe, they have the valuable chance to offer their teaching ideas and methods to colleagues that will apply them in other countries.
Your involvement with Science on Stage
I’ve been working on the brochures "Information and Communications Technology (ICT) in Science teaching", "Smartphone in STEM Education", "Football in STEM Education" and finally “Coding in STEM education”, for which I edited the Italian translation. I offered webinars on “Slow motion and time-lapse in science teaching” and “Arduino in Science teaching”. Currently I am a Science on Stage Ambassador.
Also I took part at the Science on Stage Festivals in 2005, 2011, 2019.
Other involvement
Scientix Ambassador,
Coordinator of a 3-years (2021-2023) Erasmus+ project “TASTE – Teaching ASTronomy at Educational level” an Italian-German-Belgian-Greek joint venture for Astronomy Education.
talian CanSAT competition coordinator 2011-2019
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