Act Now for the UN Sustainable Development Goals - Project timeline 2019-2022

31 October – 3 November 2019
First Brainstorming: Educators from different countries met for the first brainstorming at the European Science on Stage Festival in Cascais, Portugal
3-4 October 2020
1st virtual workshop: Selected teachers from 13 countries participated in the kick-off meeting to agree on topics
24-25 April 2021
2nd virtual workshop: Second meeting to continue the work on the teaching units
Between the workshops
Virtual meetings within the teams: In between the workshops the teams kept working on the material in virtual meetings accompanied by the coordinators and the Science on Stage office.

6-7 November 2021
3rd virtual workshop: Third meeting to further work on the content and the additional teaching resources
12-13 February 2022
4th virtual workshop: Fourth meeting to finalise the first content and agree on further steps
20-22 May 2022
5th workshop: Fifth meeting and first in-person meeting in Budapest to finalise the material
14 October 2022
6th meeting - launch of the material: Final Meeting in Berlin to launch the digital teaching material and present the content
Published by:
Science on Stage Deutschland e.V.
Am Borsigturm 15
13507 Berlin, Germany
Main Coordinator:
Dr Jörg Gutschank, Leibniz Gymnasium | Dortmund International School, Dortmund, Germany Chair Science on Stage Deutschland e.V.
Thomas Gerl, Ludwig-Thoma-Gymnasium Prien, Germany
Jean-Luc Richter, Lycée J.B. Schwilgué, Sélestat, France
Overall Coordination and Editing Science on Stage Deutschland e.V.:
Mathea Glaubitz, Project manager
Daniela Neumann, Project manager
Stefanie Schlunk, Executive manager
Johanna Schulze, Deputy executive manager
Johanna Schwade, Project manager
Johanna Sorsakivi, Project manager
C. Translations UG
Rupert Tacke, Tricom Kommunikation und Verlag GmbH
Jan Konzack, Webentwicklung
The authors have checked all aspects of copyright for the media and texts used in this teaching material to the best of their knowledge.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License
Published in 2022
© Science on Stage Deutschland e.V.