AI in STEM Education
Teaching materials now available!
Artificial intelligence (AI) is a socially relevant topic and currently a big part of the public debate. For some time now, the technologies behind AI systems have been shaping our lives, and they continue to be improved every day; applications such as chatbots have recently found their way into everyday life, school and work.
The project "AI in STEM education" helps students to better understand this technology, to deal with its application and to try out the use of AI themselves. The aim is to support teachers by providing tools and methods related to AI so that they can address the topic interactively and in an age-appropriate manner in the classroom.
For these teaching materials, we collected innovative ideas from European teachers on the following topics:
- First steps with AI and data analysis: getting to know generative AI and big data
- STEM resources 4.0: creating your own digital educational resources using AI and block-based programming
- Machine learning at school: understanding and experimenting with artificia neural networks
- EcoKids Teach AI and Recycling Smart: programming waste separation with the help of AI using Scratch/PictoBlox (for younger students) and Python (for advanced students)
The materials are suited for teachers with and without previous experience in the subject, and offers teaching units and project ideas for primary and secondary school.
The project was launched by Science on Stage Germany and is being supported by the other members of Science on Stage Europe.

The selection of teaching ideas and methods was made in accordance with our motto “from teachers for teachers”.
All teaching materials are available digitally on our website and free of charge to everyone. From autumn 2024 onwards, the materials will be presented at webinars and events. Teacher-student-teams were invited to apply for our AI in STEM Challenge with their own innovative ideas and projects for AI solutions.
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Contact person
Nadine Püschel
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