Nuria Muñoz

Nuria Muñoz is a physics and chemistry teacher in “The Inmaculada”, a secondary and high school in Algeciras, Spain. She is the vice president of a science teacher association that organises a well-known international science fair called “Diverciencia”.
She has a lot of experience in leading national and international research projects. In 2016 she won the Honour Medal of “Ciencia en Acción” for her long history of supporting scientific communication. In 2022, the Confederation of Spanish Scientific Societies (COSCE) awarded the "First Prize" to her and a colleague.
Nuria represented Spain in the international jury at the European Science on Stage festival 2019 in Cascais. She participated in the Science on Stage festival twice, 2015 in London and 2017 in Debrecen. She has held many workshops all around Spain for other teachers and participated as a lecturer in a physics congress in the UK and in the Netherlands. More than anything else, she loves teaching and disseminating science. Since 2021, she is a Science on Stage ambassador.
More about Nuria Muñoz
What does it mean to you to be a teacher?
Being a teacher, for me, means being a life-long learner and a curious soul. Being a teacher is a lifestyle. I think that teachers need to serve as a model for their students so if I’m not continually learning and adapting to every new circumstance then I cannot expect my students to do the same. When I became a teacher 25 years ago, I wanted my students to love physics and chemistry as much as I did. Nowadays, I want my pupils to love learning and be able to find ways to research the information they need.
Describe Science on Stage in three words
Inspiring life-long learning
How did you get involved with Science on Stage?
In 2015, I was invited to be part of the Spanish delegation for the Science on Stage festival in London. There, I met a teacher from the Netherlands and we did a Joint Project for two intensive years. We applied for the Science on Stage festival 2017 in Debrecen and we were so lucky to be selected again! Then I was invited to be part of the jury team for the European festival 2019 in Cascais. This was one of the best experiences of my life. I was able to visit many different stands and I've learned so much. Now I accepted, without hesitation, the amazing challenge to become an ambassador for Science on Stage and I will try to do my best to disseminate and share the benefits of being part of this outstanding group.
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