From our network 11.12.2020

Science on Stage on the European stage

Together with Mariya Gabriel, European Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth, Antoine Kasel, Head of the cabinet for Nicolas Schmitt, European Commissioner for Jobs and Social Rights, Dr Simona Kustec, Slovenian Minister for Education, Science and Sport and Lina Gálvez Muñoz, Member of the European Parliament (MEP), Vice-Chair of the European Parliament’s Committee on Industry, Research and Energy (ITRE), she discussed the digital transformation in education.

In the last months, the shortcomings in this area have become clear: “We need to support teachers in their professional development in online teaching and distance learning. I know that we have great teachers in Europe with excellent ideas. That is why Science on Stage brings them together in conferences and lately in digital webinars, which we have launched right after the start of the pandemic in March. Here they teach and support each other,” Stefanie Schlunk said.

Stefanie Schlunk underlines that "teachers need an exchange with each other. Exchange inspires and exchange across borders is extremely fruitful. Also, teachers need recognition. They have been struggling over the last months and they deserve our full support."

All panellists agreed that COVID-19 is a turning point with long-lasting repercussions. Stefanie Schlunk thinks so too, but she also sees an opportunity in this situation: “Despite all the difficulties, COVID-19 also offers a chance to foster digital education. We should learn from this crisis and be prepared for the future. Integrate distance learning and online teaching in the training information for all future teachers.”

Have you missed the panel? You can watch the recording here

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