Review of the year 2021
2021 was an exciting year that we at Science on Stage Europe can look back on proudly. Despite uncertain and also difficult situations around Covid-19, we succeeded in offering STEM teachers in Europe a wide range of activities thanks to the energetic help of our volunteers.
For example, 18 webinars took place again, through which participants could continue their training and meet like-minded colleagues.
We also successfully realised the virtual final of our "European Code League" competition.
The virtual final took place on 28 May, where the question was answered: What is Europe's best coding concept?
The Romanian team "Caelify" won first place. In their project the students measured different air parameters such as concentration of CO2, humidity, pressure, temperature, noise, and other noxious substances in their town, using sensors. The data was transferred to a server so the students could access and work with it at any time.
The teachers will now participate in the European Science on Stage Festival 2022.
The video about the final
We also broke new ground with our competition "Act Now" on Instagram. We invited STEM teachers for primary and secondary school to upload a short video on Instagram showing their project and explaining how they implement the SDGs in the classroom.
The winner of the competition!
But the absolute highlight for many of our member countries was hosting their national festival, where the STEM teachers came together to present their innovative teaching ideas.
Out of these participants, they selected the best ones to represent their country in the upcoming European Science on Stage festival, that will be held in Prague in 2022.
We have big plans for 2022 and we will continue working towards our goal to improve STEM education in Europe!
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