From our network 14.12.2021

What we have planned for 2022

The end of a year always also means the beginning of a new year - and we will continue our work for better a STEM education in Europe in 2022!

We are currently busy organising the European Science on Stage Festival 2022 in Prague, where 450 teachers from all over Europe will come together to share their innovative teaching methods. This is how good ideas reach pupils beyond national borders.

Festival banner
© Science on Stage

In addition, we will conclude our international teachers' project "Sustainability in STEM Education" in autumn 2022 and publish the corresponding teaching materials. This way, we give teachers the ability to work on this important topic with their students.  

The publication of the teaching materials will also be the starting point for a pan-European competition in which primary and secondary STEM teachers can participate. 

© Science on Stage

Furthermore, we will keep offering exciting webinars for STEM teachers. Here are the upcoming dates. As always, participation is free.

25.01.2022, 17:00: What happens next? A strategy to engage primary students
26.01.2022, 17:00: What happens next? A strategy to engage secondary students

our virtual events
© Science on Stage

Finally, we will support countries in organising follow-up activities, showcasing excellent STEM teaching projects. We hope that we will be able to offer more teacher exchanges face-to-face again in the future. 

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