Enthusiasm for AI & STEAM workshops in Albania
The month of November proved to be a particular fruitful month for innovative teaching approaches in the field of STEM and AI in the Albanian capital of Tirana.
On November 4, Merita Nanaj and Mirjeta Domi, Executive Director of Edu Act Albania, offered a workshop at the Fan S. Noli school for 45 STEM teachers, focussing on strategies for identifying and supporting students gifted in STEM. The participants received guidance on fostering these students' growth, as well as information on the responsible, safe and ethical use of AI in education. The session also included hands-on activities and examples of Science and Play activities for students in the classroom. Mirjeta Domi offered another workshop on November 8 for 21 more teachers, focussing on equipping educators with the skills and knowledge to establish and strengthen STEM clubs in schools. Additionally, the training covered the use of microcontrollers in coding, as well as how artificial intelligence can be effectively integrated into education.
On November 10, Majlinda Bajraktari organised a teacher training activity at the Bajram Curri school, introducing 16 teachers to tools and resources for engaging students aged 9 to 15 in learning math and science by integrating art and coding. Through creative, hands-on activities, participants explored how to innovatively present and explain mathematical concepts and scientific principles such as motion and natural phenomena to students. By visualizing and expressing these concepts through art, and using coding to bring their ideas to life digitally, students will develop critical thinking, creativity, and a deeper understanding of math and science in an enjoyable, interdisciplinary way.
Fostering students' and teachers' digital literacy and introducing them to the exciting possibilites of coding in STEM is the aim of Science on Stage's "Coding for our Future" grants for teacher training activities. More infomation on the program supported by Amazon Future Engineer and the application form can be found on the project page.

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