Education for Climate: showcasing best practices in green education
Science on Stage’s projects to support STEM teachers with practical ideas on how to integrate climate education in STEM classes were chosen as an example of good practice by the European Commission's Education for Climate community. This recognition underlines the important role of teachers as a driving force for climate action and encourages us to continue our green education initiatives.
After kicking off the day with presenting the EU Commission’s new Education and Training Monitor, European initiatives were invited to present their local learning communities, GreenComp learning scenarios and science-driven projects in interactive sessions broadcast live from Brussels. Daniela from the Science on Stage team participated in the lively and inspiring panel presenting science-driven projects from Romania and Ireland alongside Science on Stage’s projects for supporting green action in schools by empowering teachers.
Watch the recording of the event on November 28 here. (The panel starts at 16:00:00 and Daniela’s presentation can be seen from 16:14:43.)
A big thank you to the Education for Climate community and to everyone who contributed to this achievement!

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