
The Green, Green Grass of Dome - The biology of a perfect football pitch



Secondary School



English, German, French, Polish, Swedish, Spanish, Czech, Hungarian

It needs to be firmly attached to the soil and it needs to be sturdy enough to not get easily damaged by trampling: Football-turf grass. In the teaching unit ‘The Green, Green Grass of Dome’ students of secondary school grow their own football grass and do research on which grass species is best for a real football pitch.

Therefore they study the root system, the stems and leaves of the grass plants and examine the role of the stomata.

Authors: Janine Hermann (CH), Márta Gajdosné Szabó (HU), Maaike Smeets (NL)

Teaching Materials

Green, green grass of dome_EN

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Der perfekte Rasen

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L’herbe est-elle plus verte sous les crampons?_FR

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Zielone morze trawy_PL

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Studier I Gröngräset_SV

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Verde que te quiero, verde_ES

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Zelená je tráva_CZ

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Szép zöld gyep_HU

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This unit is from: Football in Science Teaching

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