Monster Rain: Monitoring the Climate Change & Global Warming

This unit deals with the real world. The classroom can preferably be exchanged with outdoor monitoring opportunities.Monitoring the climate is recommended for students age 14–18 (or younger) studying applied sciences while working interdisciplinarily in physics and biology. It triggers students’ critical thinking abilities while allowing them to suggest and develop methods and experiments that involve local problems. Additionally, by increasing communication, it offers a regional and global understanding and perception of education on sustainable development.
The monster-rain project will teach students to make a small animation of their own, allowing them to see how programming can be used to describe and make calculations in a simple physical system.
You can find a monster rain simulation at
Authors: Birthe Zimmermann (DK), Michael Lentfer Jensen (DK) | Ed. Science on Stage Deutschland e.V. | License: Creative Commons
Teaching Materials
Monster Rain
Download FileDE_Sintflutartiger Regen
Download FileFR_Pluies diluviennes
Download FileHU_Felhőszakadás – az éghajlat megfigyelése
Download FileRO_Ploi torențiale
Download FilePL_Potworny deszcz – Monitorowanie warunków klimatycznych
Download FileSI_Nalivi
Download FileThis unit is from: Information and Communications Technology (ICT) in Science teaching
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