Football in Science Teaching
Football is fascinating and attracting to a lot of students. Also football offers the chance to cover a variety of interdisciplinary themes: from the game itself to the biological and health’ aspects of the players to the environmental issues when organising a big international sports event like the European Football Championship.
20 teachers from 15 countries worked together on this international project on football in science teaching. The results are now published in a brochure coinciding with the European Football Championship 2016 in France. Find further information here.
At the kick-off meeting, the participants decided upon specific topics and on the division of work. The teachers are working in for groups on the following topics:
Big data
The participants worked over 1.5 years. The results have been published in a brochure and distributed throughout Europe. Attention has been paid to address all STEM teachers (science, technology, engineering, and maths), to context based topics and to ensure that the implementation in schools is possible and independent of budgets.
The aim is to enhance the quality of teaching in order to motivate more young people for engineering and sciences as well as for IT.
The working process has been coordinated by Science on Stage Deutschland – The European Platform for Science Teachers. The content-based supervision of the working groups lied in the coordinators’ hands.
December 2014: Final meeting of the project iStage2 Smartphones in Science Teaching. Aim: brainstorming, get in contact with teachers who are interested to work on this subject.
February 2015: Coordinators’ meeting. Aim: Thinking about topics, division of work, defining structure and strategy, selecting the 20 participants
24-26 April 2015, Berlin: First meeting of working groups. Aim: Defining topics, division of work, further steps, schedule.
April - November 2015: Participants develop topics
6-8 November 2015: Second meeting. Aim: Discussing contents, examining if aims fulfilled, defining further steps.
December 2015 - February 2016: Finalising contents/guidelines.
April 2016: Editorial English and German.
May 2016: Print and publishing.
2 June 2016, 7pm Presentation of results in Brussels at the Representation of the State of Hessen at the European Union
Follow-ups: Teacher-training courses based on the guidelines and results.
Dr Jörg Gutschank, Physics, Mathematics and ICT teacher, Leibniz Gymnasium | Dortmund International School, chair Science on Stage Germany
Jean-Luc Richter, Physics and Chemistry teacher, Collège J.J.Waltz, Marckolsheim.
Dr Miguel Andrade, Johannes-Gutenberg University Mainz, Institute of Molecular Biology Mainz, Computational biology & data mining
Bernd Schriek, informatics teacher, now retired, Dortmund