Coding in STEM Education
Coding becomes more and more important in our society. To help increase the level of knowledge on a wide scale and to enhance digital competences in students, Science on Stage focuses on the teachers.
With its initiative 'Coding in STEM Education', Science on Stage offered a large variety of projects and activities, funding to support teachers in primary and secondary school to implement coding in their STEM classes, and develops to train for the digital age.
23 teachers from seven European countries developed concrete examples and practical advice about how to acquire coding skills using microcontroller such as Arduino and Raspberry Pi not only in computer science lessons but also in subjects such as biology, chemistry, technology, mathematics and physics - even if you are no IT expert.
The brochure 'Coding in STEM Education' is available in English, German, French, Italian and Bulgarian.
All projects and activities within 'Coding in STEM Education' are supported by SAP SE.
Making of Coding in STEM Education - the video
© Jean-Luc Richter
Following the publication 'Coding in STEM Education', student-teacher teams were invited to take part in our coding competition 'European Code League', where they developed creative projects inspired by the teaching material. Ten teams took part in a final event to present their results.
Simulations for environmental technologies, bioinformatics or mechanics: The teaching material 'ICT in science teaching' shows how to connect information and communication technologies (ICT) with science education.