Science on Stage Belgium
Science on Stage Belgium is a non-profit organisation which addresses itself to middle and high school STEM teachers in both the French and Dutch speaking regions of Belgium. The initiative offers them a platform to exchange with colleagues from all over Belgium and Europe.

The focus of Science on Stage Belgium’s work lies on provoking experiments in all natural sciences, the international dimension and the participation of teachers from all regions of Belgium and Europe. The activities enhance the competence of teachers from all levels offering new ideas and pedagogical material for a better efficient practical work based on more structures and regular basis.
Each year Science on Stage Belgium organises a national festival ‘Playful Science’ where teachers can present good practice in science teaching. Selected projects from throughout Europe are presented by their developers in a live show and in the ‘fair of experiments’.
In the fair, projects from Belgium and Europe are presented by teachers at over 30 stands. The programme is rounded off by a quiz and a final show. Each year about 200 teachers participate in the event.
Furthermore Science on Stage Belgium organises workshops and study days during the school year.
National Steering Committee