
Teachers + Scientists: Inspire for science

Cover Teachers and Scientists


Secondary School

Physics, Biology, Chemistry

Science, Cooperation

English, German

With ‘Teachers + Scientists’ Science on Stage initiated a project to build up long-lasting cooperation between STEM teachers and scientists. In five German cities natural scientists and local science teachers did research together on current scientific topics. Through the collaboration, the participating educators had the chance to gain insights in fields of study of universities and research institutes.

They were able to transfer the newly acquired knowledge in class for their students and to develop teaching material. The scientists benefited from the exchange for their scientific communication.

Now Science on Stage published a guideline in English language about how collaborations between teachers and scientists can be established and maintained which you can find here for download. 

The project was conducted in cooperation with Stiftung Jugend forscht e. V. 

Teaching Materials

Teachers and Scientists_EN

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Teachers and Scientists_DE

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