From our countries 20.10.2023

SonS Nethrlands at the NVON Beta and Technology Festival

The Beta & Technology festival was organised by NVON, the Dutch Association of science teachers and STEM Education. It is a conference for teachers and technical education assistants. In four rounds 250 teachers can visit lectures, workshops, and the fair. In addition to the stands of companies and institutions, teachers can share their best practices at the fair. An impression of the festival can be found here

For the first time, Science on Stage Netherlands was present at this national festival, and several teachers we met intend to apply with their project. The NSC of the Netherlands is in consultation with NVON about working together. In the future, we hope we are able to organise the national event at the fair of this Beta festival to select teachers for the Dutch delegation.  

Report: Andrea van Bruggen- van der Lugt

NVON Beta and Technology Festival 2023
© Science on Stage Netherlands 
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