From our countries 14.12.2021

Science on Stage Uk at the ASE Annual Conference

As part of the Association for Science Education Annual Conference in Sheffield in January 2022, delegates who have been successful in being selected to represent the UK at the next Science on Stage Festival in Prague in March 2022 will present about the projects they will be showcasing there.

The session will take place at:

3:30 pm, Friday, 29 January 2022

Science on Stage – showcasing the best of STEM education

The presenters and their projects are:

Jon Board, Manchester – Fair Test Fatima - A simple algorithm to develop primary child-led science

Sam Ireland, Lancaster – Climate Change and Snowflakes

Jules Pottle, Oxford – Factual Science through Fictional Stories

Rebecca Riley, Wakefield – Scientist's Story Time: Bringing Careers to the Classroom

The session is suitable for all primary and secondary teachers of science.

In addition, during the session Stuart Farmer, Chair, Science on Stage UK National Steering Committee, and David Featonby, Science on Stage Board, will describe the activities and resources of the Science on Stage family across Europe and beyond. 

Several Science on Stage Festival participants will also showcase projects as part of the Schools Exhibition during the conference at 09:00-12:00, Friday, 29 January 2022.

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