New flyer on the AI materials available
Our new teaching materials “AI in STEM Education” have now been published and are freely available on our website. A total of five units have been developed, which offer directly applicable teaching concepts across different thematic focuses, with which children and young people from primary to upper secondary level can understand, apply and program artificial intelligence and machine learning. Science on Stage is now working together with many active teachers to disseminate the materials so that as many teachers and their students as possible can benefit from them. For this purpose, we have also designed a comprehensive flyer about the AI-materials. To view and download the flyer, you can simply click here.
If you are attending a meeting, conference or similar for which you would like to use the flyer in printed form in order to promote the material, we are happy to send you some copies. Simply place your order via our order form.
Please note: the order form is only available on the website of Science on Stage Germany. Hence, the original language of the form is German. However, many internet browsers these days offer an automatic translation to English. Please get in touch, should you need further support.

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