From our network 13.05.2024

10th Anatolia College Science and Technology Annual Conference

More than 550 students and 200 educators joined us, with a diverse mix of projects. Of particular note was the presentation of Seewache team with our upgraded submarine. Our student's enthusiasm to innovate shows what young minds can do when they’re given the opportunity to challenge themselves and push boundaries. It’s amazing to see how a little support and guidance can transform curiosity into real, tangible innovation!
Along with Astrinos Tsoutsoudakis and Anastasia Papakonstandinou we ran a super engaging 2.5-hour workshop that brought together 35 teachers, including 17 from CSIS Spain. We dove deep into how the Sustainable Development Goals can mesh with STEM education, using submarine science as our exciting context. The vibe was collaborative and buzzing with ideas, something we all cherish from Science on Stage events. It was amazing to see how teachers from different backgrounds connected and shared insights, making it a truly enriching experience for everyone involved. It was a real celebration of how international cooperation and shared passion for science and teaching can lead to incredible learning experiences.

A big thank you Science on Stage for the constant inspiration and support. We’re all looking forward to more amazing collaborations. The Anatolia College Science and Technology Annual Conference (ACSTAC) was held in Thessaloniki, Greece 19 -20 of April.

Report: Dr. Iro Koliakou

Anatolia College Science and Technology Annual Conference 2024
© Dr. Iro Koliakou
Anatolia College Science and Technology Annual Conference 2024
© Dr. Iro Koliakou
Anatolia College Science and Technology Annual Conference 2024
© Dr. Iro Koliakou
Anatolia College Science and Technology Annual Conference 2024
© Dr. Iro Koliakou
Anatolia College Science and Technology Annual Conference 2024
© Dr. Iro Koliakou
Anatolia College Science and Technology Annual Conference 2024
© Dr. Iro Koliakou
Anatolia College Science and Technology Annual Conference 2024
© Dr. Iro Koliakou
Anatolia College Science and Technology Annual Conference 2024
© Dr. Iro Koliakou
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