14.10. - 27.10.2024

EU Code Week

EU Code Week
© EU Code Week

From October 14th to 27th, 2024, everything revolves around programming and digital skills. As a teacher, you have the opportunity to promote your students' interest in these topics.

Why should you participate?

  1. Foster creativity: EU Code Week promotes creativity and problem-solving through coding. Seize this opportunity to inspire your students!

  2. Shape the future: In a digital world, coding skills are essential. Code Week helps convey these competencies.

  3. Networking: Connect with other educators and exchange ideas. Together, we can advance digital education.

How to participate:

  • Organize activities: Plan workshops, competitions, or informational events. Add your activities to the interactive map.

  • Attend activities: Discover events near you and participate.

  • Utilize resources: Visit the EU Code Week website for materials and beginner tips.

Join in and inspire your students! More information at

Grants for teacher training activities

Do you plan a teacher training activity? Then you can apply for a grant of up to 175 € for activities such as seminars and workshops aiming at teachers' professional development in the field of coding. More information here.

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